The growing dependence of business organizations on professional recruitment firms to attract and hire the best talent can no longer be ignored. In order to get the best results of hiring such firms, it is important for the client organizations to work in close co-ordination with the recruiters. In this respect, the top leaders within an organization play a critical role as they are generally the ones to decide the about the desired skills and expertise of the prospective candidates. However, many times these top leaders exhibit traits that can turn off even the most professional global executive search firms in Canada. Discussed below are 4 such traits that are undesirable amongst the top leaders within a business organization.
Poor Communication With Peers
Most recruitment service provides feel that the top leaders within business organizations do not communicate effectively with each other. They believe that the reasons for such poor communication can include the pressures of proving their competence or the need to outshine other professionals working at the same level or even the basic ego clash. The sad thing is that such poor communication often impacts their communication with the recruiters. The lack of co-ordination resulting from poor communication between top level leaders, leads to the recruitment firms often receiving confusing, and even conflicting instructions.
Unwillingness To Share Relevant Information
Many times the top leaders within a client organization do not share relevant knowledge with the recruitment firms. This can hinder the recruitment efficiency of the firms as they might not be aware of the complete set of needs and requirements of the organization with respect t the candidate. In many cases, the leaders might even choose to reveal the information on multiple stages, which can further complicate the task of the recruiters. This naturally makes the recruiters feel resentful as such attitude affects their overall efficiency and performance as well as their goodwill in the market.

Displaying A Poor Attitude Towards The Candidates
Most business organizations leave the task of assessing the capabilities and competence of the candidates shortlisted by the recruitment firms to their top leaders. However, sometimes these professionals might treat the shortlisted candidates shabbily. This might be due to their own prejudices or any other professional reason. Sadly such behaviour reflects poorly not only on the hiring organization but also on the life science executive search firms in Canada that might have shortlisted the candidates in the first place. In such cases, it is not surprising for the recruitment firms to sever their ties with the organization employing such leaders. Top 10 Leadership Hiring Firms in Canada.
Having Unrealistic Expectations From The Search Firms
This is perhaps the most common undesirable trait amongst top leadership professionals within the hiring organizations. In most cases, these professionals tend to treat the recruitment firms as their personal assistances, who ought to respond to their demands on a priority basis. These leaders fail to acknowledge the basic fact that the recruitment firms are independent entities working with multiple clients. Even though most recruitment firms treat give equal importance to each client, they are likely to feel turned off if they are expected to be at beck and call of a single client.