Owing to the dynamic nature of the market, Canada businesses are continuously introducing changes in staffing. But change never comes easy and the Top Career Transition firm in Canada can help you smoothen the process and make it less painful for both you and your employees.

Top career transition coaches in Canada can help employees understand that any change in their career by no way means that their career has come to an end. Our consultants who are experienced in Outplacement Coaching in Canada can provide a strong base to the employees who are in transition of their career. This can ensure the transition to be stress
Here are some key commercial reasons why businesses needs career transition support:
To help affected employees to find another job
The employees who have lost their job because of reshuffling can be highly demotivated to find another job. A good career coach can help curb this negativity and give a new career direction to the affected employees by giving the relevant guidance in carrying out the job search process. This will help them regain confidence and find a job faster.
Help Protects your brand
Letting people go can never be easy. It will bring some bad press to your brand. Carrying out a well thought of career transition program can help you protect your brand image and would further lay a strong foundation for further hiring in the company.
To help Increase the productivity of those who are staying in the company
I would like to call this lot survivors. Looking at people leaving the organisation can create a negative impact on the minds of those staying in the company. In case of discrepancies or if the whole process is not handled properly, it can badly lower the morale of the remaining employees, thus impacting the overall productivity of the company. Something you can’t afford in already uncertain times. A well-structured outplacement program can positively impact the wellbeing of leavers and enhance their ability to find new employment which in turn would improve the morale of the survivors.
Help Reduce employee turnover
Let’s face it. When people are leaving the organisation, it does create an environment of uncertainty and those who stayed will also plan to leave the company sooner than later leading to high employee turnover. The cost of turnover and attrition is enormous. Having an outside expert can help handle this matter in a much better and transparent way. In addition to this, continuous councelling of the current employees can help keep the turnover rate in check.