If your organization is witnessing a dramatic growth or is in the process of reaching a turn around, it is always better to hire the services of top executive search firms in Canada to take care of the recruitment needs and keep the focus on revenue generation. Also, for such organisations, search for executives is very important and one wrong move can jeopardize the entire revenue generating model of the organization.

Here are the top reasons one should hire the services of Executive search firms in Canada:
· Need for a top performing senior executive
If your organization needs to hire a top talented executive then the best Executive search firms in Canada can do the rigorous work and bring a candidate who can surely change the game in the business arena.
· A key leadership position needs to be filled
It is advisable not to let the top leadership positions vacant as it can detrimental to the profit and revenue generating activities of the organization. Also opportunities get missed in the absence of the right leader. Thus to mitigate this risk hiring a headhunter seems to be the right thing to do.
· Entry into new market
When the organization enters a new market it requires the Executives who have the experience and know-how of the particular market for taking things forward. Hence, it is always not possible for the organization at its own to search for the right candidate. The executive recruiter can help place the right candidate with their domain knowledge which the organization might be lacking.
· Replacement of an incumbent executive
For the organisations who are looking for a replacement line up for the executive who is presently at the job role, the much needed element of secrecy is often gifted by the executive search firms who follow a no disclosure policy.
· Recruiting candidates from competitors’ organisations
The situation where you are required to hire a candidate who is presently working with your competitor, the confidentiality of information which the executive recruiters provides help in avoid ruffling feathers with the competitors so that a peaceful transition can take place.
· Aiming for a diversified leadership
It is often seen that the representation of women leaders is bare minimum at senior executive level. The executive recruiters can play in the field to ensure that equal opportunity is provided to each and every one to reach the senior levels.
· Exhausted the network of referrals
If you have already exhausted your network of referral candidates, and have no network available now; it is time to hire the services of executive search firms which have access to varied networks of candidates.