It is evident that an efficient workforce drives a company in a much stronger way than a director running the company with a weak inexperienced team. There has to be a systematic management with capable executives of various departments.
But hunting for an executive is not an easy task, let alone the shortage of workforce availability. It takes months to find the right person to fit in the job. Some times even years. That’s where the role of an executive search firm in Canada comes in. Gone are the days of newspaper advertising and word of mouth for an opening.
An executive search firm is well aware of the range of industries in the market and its requirements. A well experienced firm can identify what kind of a personality fits for a role in a particular industry. But the story is not as simple as just a recruitment opening and hiring. A study reveals that a whopping 40 percent of the executives resign within 18 months of their Job. Therefore, it is important to have a support service for the development of the candidate and long-term ties with the company. The recruitment firm needs to be more diverse and specialised in this complex process.
The global executive search firms in Canada are professional and timely. At Cornerstone Vancouver, we take pride in considering our-self amongst the top executive search firms in Canada. With over 25 years of experience, we go beyond the table to give a personalised touch so that the candidate can bring out his best while the firm can effectively have its global reach. We, as a full-service talent management firm, not only search for quality executives and coaching them, but also help in a smooth career transaction and provide various corporate services to make sure to the growth of our client.
We carefully customise our solutions based on individual needs to unleash the client’s maximum potential. Our key concern is to keep our clients updated with the fast-moving economy. Especially in this technology driven era. What makes us distinct is that we have served to the senior most positions since last 20 years. We understand the rapid change of the market and act accordingly with our expertise and experience.
We keep our spirits high with our teamwork. According to the project, we have dedicated team of consultants that works parallel to make sure that the goal is met. We like our candidate nothing less than the best. And it doesn’t get over once the project Is done. We make sure to keep in touch over the years and shape our development together.