The distinction between executive search and recruiting is often misunderstood, and while both have the same general goal, their methods, methodologies, and business models differ.

The Hiring Level
Recruiters are frequently brought in to locate people for positions ranging from junior to lower-level management, with certain recruiting organizations specializing in various levels when sourcing individuals.
Instead, Executive search Firm in Vancouver seek out highly qualified and experienced senior managers and executives to fill key positions inside a company. An executive search company would be a better alternative if said organization needed to fill a job in a highly specific area or needed someone with hard-to-find talents.
Quality vs. Quantity: What's the Difference?
Recruiters will often discover a number of prospects that are a good match for the position and present you with a short list of candidates for an interview before allowing you to decide if the individual is a good fit. Recruiters are more likely to locate their candidates through contacting active job searchers.
An Executive search Firm in Toronto on the other hand, will locate you the ideal applicant for not just the job, but also for your company, whether the candidate is actively seeking for a new position or not, by recruiting from a pool of passive prospects. Executive Search Firms are frequently referred to as "head-hunters" because of this.
Although some recruiters specialize in a certain level of talent, the majority of recruiters operate in a variety of businesses and areas. Though some have adapted to industry specialization in recent years, their business strategy still allows them to access applicants from a large network.
Because Executive Search firms are sourcing a much higher level of talent, they are more likely to concentrate their efforts on certain industries, employing specialized teams to fulfil specific tasks with the necessary understanding.