A professional employer organisation (PEO) is a company that leases personnel to an employer, allowing the PEO to share and manage many of the employer's employee-related responsibilities and liabilities. Employers can now outsource human resource operations like employee benefits, compensation and payroll administration, workers' compensation, and employment taxes to a third party.

Executive search management consulting in Canada often act as a professional employer for the employees of their clients. Employee liability moves to the PEO after the client company declares its salary under the PEO's federal employer identification number (FEIN). Employers benefit from scale economies.
A few or most HR functions aree outsourced, depending on the contract and the professional employer organisation (PEO). Companies who do not want to co-employ but want some of the outsourcing benefits can use an administrative services outsourcing (ASO) arrangement.
A Leading PEO Firms in Canada can provide considerable benefits, particularly for small businesses that may lack the depth of HR expertise or system capabilities for services like payroll, as well as the time and resources to focus on various transactional HR functions.
The following are some of the HR burdens that a PEO may alleviate:
Administration of benefits.
Recruiting and hiring are two different things.
Payroll administration is a job that requires a lot of time and
Administration of unemployment benefits.
Administration of workers' compensation.
Assisting with compliance.
Programs for drug testing
Administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act.
PEOs are clearly a good alternative for organisations in the staffing market. PEOs not only benefit your bottom line, but they also save you time. When it comes to outsourcing, a PEO is also the most convenient alternative. Why would you want to deal with many organisations for payroll, benefits, insurance, and other services when it is much easier to deal with just one?
Cornerstone, a Top PEO Firms in Canada, can help you save a lot of money on employee benefits, automate your payroll, minimise your experience modifier, and assist with some employee compliance issues. Unlike other PEOs, however, we place a premium on exceptional customer service.
When you don't have a legal entity in the country you want to expand into, TOTAL Limited, a Cornerstone business with a registered office in Hong Kong, provides employer support by co-employing personnel with our clients in North America and other countries. We will assist your staff in obtaining the legal paperwork (such as a Work Permit and a suitable Residence Visa) that are required in a country for the duration of the contract. By law, this person will be employed by TOTAL LIMITED (or one of our country partners) and placed at the Client's disposal for an indefinite time, with a three-month rolling notice period on each side.
TOTALL Limited will be in charge of your employee's employment and administrative administration, including the payment of monthly salary, costs, legal and fiscal declarations, as well as any social and other charges, and will present reports on demand.