Welcoming a new employee to the team is a skill as well as an art many are not aware of. After wooing a candidate with the job offer and making him/her accept the same, starting off the work through a rough transition in the workplace can certainly jeopardise everything.

The onboarding has a great impact on the employee experience of the new hire. As it is said, it's never easy to be the new kid in the town as the new employee is not completely aware with the work culture, the people and their workings, though a brief is usually provided to them by the executive search firms in Canada. It is thus the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that the new team members feel welcomed in the organisation and are provided with each and everything that they require to get started and settle down in the work setting.
Here are some of the strategies one can incorporate to give a successful onboarding to both remote employees and office based employees:
· A warm welcome
The top executive search firms in Canada suggest that the whole team should meet the new employee who is being onboarded in a board meeting room or through a video conference in case of remote workers. The meeting need not be a long and dramatic one, but a short and personalised one, The name of the new employee should be clearly announced or mentioned so that each and every team member can start on the right note.
· Team introduction
Nothing can ever be worse than working with colleagues you know nothing about or have never met. The team members should be introduced to the new employees, particularly those who are going to be in the direct relationship with the new hire. The new hires should be given a thorough look about the company structure so that communication can be done easily. They should also be provide a Team directory so that they can contact the team members as and when the need arises.
· Answer the queries
Most of the queries related to the organisation, the work culture, the job description and vision of the organisation are handled by the global executive search firms in Canada prior to the job acceptance by the new hire. But they still may have queries, so a knowledge base or a FAQs pager should be created on the website so that relevant information is provided. A work buddy may also be assigned who can help and guide the new employee in the initial few weeks and assist them in transitioning into the company set up and culture.