Most businesses tend to make hiring mistakes at some point of time in their recruitment process. However, rather then feeling stressed about such bad hiring decisions, the companies need to work in coordination with their recruitment partners to take the necessary steps to contain the damage. According to the experts from the top executive search firms in Canada, the following tips can help companies to minimize the negative consequences of a bad hire.
Identify The Reasons That Make The Candidate A Bad Hire
Establishing the reasons that have convinced the company about a candidate being a bad hire is the first step in the direction of minimizing its damaging effects. Many times a careful analysis of these reasons might help the company to realize that the mistake lies more with their hiring and onboarding process than the competence and capability of the candidates.

Consider Them For Other Roles And Responsibilities
Hiring the right candidates for specific job roles is a time consuming and expensive process. That is why the professionals from the global executive search firms in Canada advise their clients to consider the idea of assigning other roles and responsibilities to the candidates. This can prove to be a more profitable option that out rightly letting go of the candidates and initiating the recruitment process from scratch.
Offer Greater Support And Guidance For A Limited Time
Often the simple trick of offering greater help and support to the candidates for a limited time can do the trick of turning them around. Providing opportunities for skill development and training can help the candidates realize that the company has not totally given up on them. This can motivate them to work hard to enhance their competence and behavior to make themselves more suitable for their specific job role and workplace culture.
Be Ready To Let Go Of The Candidates As A Bad Job
The experts from the top 10 leadership hiring firms in Canada often educate their clients about being aware of when to give up on bad hires. In such situations, it is better to terminate the candidates with immediate effect rather than providing them more opportunities to improve and succeed. This is a necessary step that the companies might need to take to cut their losses.